This article discusses the settings of the Cart template. For specific cart types and its settings, you can view this article: Turbo cart types and settings
Access the Cart template
Head into the theme editor (Customize), then open the cart template within the page selector.
Click the Cart page section on the left sidebar to open its settings.
The Cart page settings determine the overall look of the cart page by enabling certain settings, and adding content within the available fields.
Enable Note text box
Adds a "Note text box" to allow your customers to leave a message associated with their orders.
Note: The note text box will appear once an item is in the cart
Total savings
This helps display both the Price and Compare at price for your products in the cart page.
How do I show price savings with Turbo?
Cart message
In some cases, you may want to add in a message to your customers on the cart page.
Continue shopping link
Below the "Checkout" button, Turbo's cart page also displays a "Continue shopping" link. If left blank, clicking this will return the customers back to All Products page.
Adding a link in this field will allow you to control which page you'd like the customers to be redirected to.
Section spacing
Use the Top padding and Bottom padding sliders to increase or decrease the padding of the section.