When it comes to making purchasing decisions online, customer reviews and consumer testimonials can make or break a sale. The Testimonials section helps to build social proof and increase conversions with a dedicated template section.
Add this section to the
Section settings
Click the Testimonials section to open its general settings.
Add a Heading using the provided field. Leave the field blank to exclude a heading.
Rounded images
Enable Rounded images to adapt your images into a circular container
Testimonials per row
Adjust the number of Testimonials per row with the provided range finder.
Customize the testimonial blocks
Click on a Testimonial block to begin. Add more by selecting (+) Add Testimonial.
Add image
Click Select image to connect a Testimonial image to the block. Merchants often use customer photos or images of the products they purchased.
Customer name
Add the Customer name with the provided text field.
There is also an option to connect a URL with the Link field. Leave this blank to exclude a link.