Combine images, links, and text together with the Featured promotions section. Use the blocks to create each promotion, then select an animation style and customize other settings for the section.
Add this section to the
Customize section settings
Click the Featured promotions section to customize its general settings.
Promotions per row
Adjust the number of Promotions per row with the provided range finder.
Have your text Fade down, Fade in, or Fade up by selecting one of these three Text animation options. To disable text animation, select None.
Rounded images
Enable Rounded images to adapt your images into a circular container
Show divider
Include a horizontal dividing line between the heading and text by enabling Show divider.
Customize promotion blocks
Click one of the preloaded Promotion blocks to customize its content.
Select image
Click Select image to connect a 840 x 840px image for the promotion.
Connect another page by adding a URL to the Link field.
Add a Heading using the provided field. Leave the field blank to exclude a heading.
Use the Text field to add more messaging with bold, italic, and link controls.