The following is a breakdown of the configuration for the Parallax theme homepage sections, as seen in our live demo shops for the Los Angeles, Aspen, Madrid, and Vienna style presets. You can learn more about theme styles here.
Los Angeles
Details for the Parallax Los Angeles homepage
1. Featured promotions
The Featured promotions section is a great way to catch your customer's attention, and direct it towards specific content in your shop that you’d like them to see or explore further!
Here, we’ve added two images of products and linked them up to their product pages.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Promotions per row
- Animation
- Enable rounded images (works best if your image is a perfect square)
- Add an image
- Add a heading and additional text
- Enable a divider
- Include a link
2. Rich text
The Rich text section lets you quickly and easily add a block of written content to the page and can be used in a variety of ways; perhaps a couple of introductory and 'about us' paragraphs to talk about your product/company or to share exciting announcements near the top of your homepage.
Here, we’ve included an important notice that links out to an internal page that contains more information.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Logo (it can be any image, but a logo with a recommended size of 600 x 600px will look best)
- Add a heading and additional text
- Enable a divider
- Include a button
- Choose the text size (small/large)
- Choose the text alignment (left/center/right)
3. Image with text overlay
The Image with text overlay section allows you to add beautiful banner images with optional text and buttons. Commonly seen at the top of a homepage (sometimes referred to as a Hero banner/image), it can also be used to add in visuals to break up your page and content!
Here, we’ve added some text about the brand overtop of a floral lifestyle image that fits in with the vibe and aesthetic. The parallax scrolling effect has been enabled to which is visually striking as you continue to move down the page. The parallax section height has been set to 300px so the image and written content assists, rather than drawing full attention or taking over.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Image (we recommend uploading a 1600 x 1000px size - but feel free to adjust based on your desired look and layout)
- Image focal point – this is used to keep the subject of your photo in view. On mobile, only applies to cropped images. (top left/top center/top right/center/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right)
- Text animation
- Add a heading and additional text
- Include a button
- Choose the text position (left/center/right)
- Enable the scroll down arrow
- Enable parallax scrolling and decide on the section height
4. Featured Collection
The Featured collection section is the perfect place to organize and showcase the products your excited about and promote the items that you want your customers to see. These could be your 'Best Selling' products, 'New Arrivals' or products that you just want to highlight.
Here, we’ve added a collection to highlight 3 products from the shop and chosen the ‘grid’ layout option. The collection also displays how a sold out product and a product on sale is handled, and cooler swatches are enabled for those that have options for that variant.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Select a collection (or create a new one)
- Include a heading
- Products per row and limit how many you want to show up
- The layout for the collection (grid or list)
- Image crop (specific to the list layout)
- Show the product description (specific to the list layout)
5. Featured promotions
Here, we’ve added two images of products and linked them up to their product pages.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options
- Promotions per row
- Animation
- Enable rounded images (works best if your image is a perfect square)
- Add an image
- Add a heading and additional text
- Enable a divider
- Include a link
6. Video
The Video section is a creative and captivating way to share your company’s story or bring some life to your products by showcasing how they function or look like in real life.
Here, we’ve used this section as a “behind the scenes” video for a collection. A placeholder image (with parallax enabled) and accompanying text act as an introduction before visitors press play.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Add your video link (Youtube, Vimeo or HTML5 MP4)
- Enable/disable wide display
- Enable autoplay (however, there are limitations)
- Autoloop, mute, or show the controls for the video
- Darken the video (can improve visibility if you’d like text to show while it plays)
- Add a placeholder image
- Include a heading and additional text
- Text animation and Text position (left/center/right)
- Include a button
- Enable the scroll down arrow
- Enable parallax scrolling and decide on the section height
7. Testimonials
The Testimonials section is an ideal way to share customer feedback and love for your products/service/company! Showcasing real-life examples of your products in use by satisfied customers can be a great source of endorsement and instill confidence in shoppers.
Here, we have 3 positive reviews that each include a link back to the product.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Include a heading
- Enable rounded images (works best if your image is a perfect square)
- Testimonials per row
- Include an image, testimonial, customer name and link per testimonial added
8. Image with text overlay
Here, we’ve added some text about the brand that gets positioned perfectly to the right of the focal point in the banner image The parallax scrolling effect has been disabled so the full size of the image gets displayed.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Image (we recommend uploading a 1600 x 1000px size - but feel free to adjust based on your desired look and layout)
- Image focal point – this is used to keep the subject of your photo in view. On mobile, only applies to cropped images. (top left/top center/top right/center/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right)
- Text animation
- Add a heading and additional text
- Include a button
- Choose the text position (left/center/right)
- Enable the scroll down arrow
- Enable parallax scrolling and decide on the section height
Details for the Parallax Aspen homepage
1. Slideshow
The Slideshow section is an easy way to grab your customer's attention with eye-catching banner images and bit of text to get them to engage more with your store, find out more information or explore your products.
Here, we’ve added two slides to our slideshow with the parallax scrolling effect enabled. The first slide has a catchy heading to introduce the shop, and the second heading includes a call to action to browse one of the collections.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- How quickly the slides change
- Enable parallax scrolling and decide on the section height
- Image (we recommend uploading a 1600 x 1000px size - but feel free to adjust based on your desired look and layout)
- Image focal point – this is used to keep the subject of your photo in view. On mobile, only applies to cropped images. (top left/top center/top right/center/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right)
- Add a heading and subheading
- Include a button
- Choose the text position (left/center/right)
2. Rich text
The Rich text section lets you quickly and easily add a block of written content to the page and can be used in a variety of ways; perhaps a couple of introductory and 'about us' paragraphs to talk about your product/company or to share exciting announcements near the top of your homepage.
Here, we’ve included some introductory text for the website.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Logo (it can be any image, but a logo with a recommended size of 600 x 600px will look best)
- Add a heading and additional text
- Enable a divider
- Include a button
- Choose the text size (small/large)
- Choose the text alignment (left/center/right)
3. Featured promotions
The Featured promotions section is a great way to catch your customer's attention, and direct it towards specific content in your shop that you’d like them to see or explore further!
Here, we’ve added three images to represent collection within the shop, added a heading and linked them up to their respective collection pages.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Promotions per row
- Animation
- Enable rounded images (works best if your image is a perfect square)
- Add an image
- Add a heading and additional text
- Enable a divider
- Include a link
4. Newsletter
The Newsletter section can encourage your customers to stay in the loop with your company to hear about special sales and promotions, company news and events!
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Enable/disable wide display
- Show the first and last name fields
- Add a heading, subheading and additional text
- Choose the text alignment (left/center/right)
- Choose specific background and text colors
5. Image with text overlay
The Image with text overlay section allows you to add beautiful banner images with optional text and buttons. Commonly seen at the top of a homepage (sometimes referred to as a Hero banner/image), it can also be used to add in visuals to break up your page and content!
Here, we’ve added some text and a button as call to actions to view a specific collection overtop an image that fits in with the aesthetic. The parallax scrolling effect has been enabled to which is visually striking as you continue to move down the page.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Image (we recommend uploading a 1600 x 1000px size - but feel free to adjust based on your desired look and layout)
- Image focal point – this is used to keep the subject of your photo in view. On mobile, only applies to cropped images. (top left/top center/top right/center/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right)
- Text animation
- Add a heading and additional text
- Include a button
- Choose the text position (left/center/right)
- Enable the scroll down arrow
- Enable parallax scrolling and decide on the section height
6. Featured collection
The Featured collection section is the perfect place to organize and showcase the products your excited about and promote the items that you want your customers to see. These could be your 'Best Selling' products, 'New Arrivals' or products that you just want to highlight.
Here, we’ve added a collection of sleeping bags from the shop and chosen the ‘grid’ layout option.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Select a collection (or create a new one)
- Include a heading
- Products per row and limit how many you want to show up
- The layout for the collection (grid or list)
- Image crop (specific to the list layout)
- Show the product description (specific to the list layout)
7. Image with text overlay
Here, we’ve added some text and a button as call to actions to view a specific collection overtop an image that fits in with the aesthetic. The parallax scrolling effect has been enabled to which is visually striking as you continue to move down the page.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Image (we recommend uploading a 1600 x 1000px size - but feel free to adjust based on your desired look and layout)
- Image focal point – this is used to keep the subject of your photo in view. On mobile, only applies to cropped images. (top left/top center/top right/center/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right)
- Text animation
- Add a heading and additional text
- Include a button
- Choose the text position (left/center/right)
- Enable the scroll down arrow
- Enable parallax scrolling and decide on the section height
8. Blog posts
The Blog posts section will display up to 4 of your most recent posts. Having a Blog in general is a great way to build a sense of community around your company and share content.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Select a blog or create a new one specific for the home page
- The number of posts
- Enable/disable the tags, author, date, comment count, and read more link
9. Map section
The Map section can help your customers find your shop (if you have a physical location) or even give them a sense of what city you’re located in! You can type in your address or city/state/province/territory/country and a map will populate.
Alternatively, you can upload an image and add in store hours or information!
Here, we’ve opted not to add in an address to pull up a map but instead add a lifestyle image and store hours.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Map address
- Google Maps integration (includes a map colour scheme)
- Alternate image
- Add a heading and additional text
- Choose specific background and text colors
- Choose text alignment (left/center/right)
- Choose the text/info position (left/center/right)
Details for the Parallax Madrid homepage
1. Image with text overlay
The Image with text overlay section allows you to add beautiful banner images with optional text and buttons. Commonly seen at the top of a homepage (sometimes referred to as a Hero banner/image) it can also be used to add in visuals to break up you page and content!
Here, we’ve added some promotional text for the brew pub that gets positioned perfectly to the left of the focal point in the banner image The parallax scrolling effect has been disabled so the full size of the image gets displayed.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Image (we recommend uploading a 1600 x 1000px size - but feel free to adjust based on your desired look and layout)
- Image focal point – this is used to keep the subject of your photo in view. On mobile, only applies to cropped images. (top left/top center/top right/center/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right)
- Text animation
- Add a heading and additional text
- Include a button
- Choose the text position (left/center/right)
- Enable the scroll down arrow
- Enable parallax scrolling and decide on the section height
2. Featured promotions
The Featured promotions section is a great way to catch your customer's attention, and direct it towards specific content in your shop that you’d like them to see or explore further!
Here, we’ve added three graphics to accompany a three step process to follow along, added a heading for each “step” and additional text for more context of the instructions.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Promotions per row
- Animation
- Enable rounded images (works best if your image is a perfect square)
- Add an image
- Add a heading and additional text
- Enable a divider
- Include a link
3. Image with text overlay
Here, we’ve added a heading and a button as call to actions to view a specific collection overtop an image that fits in with the aesthetic of the shop. The parallax scrolling effect has been enabled to which adds some movement as you continue to move down the page.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Image (we recommend uploading a 1600 x 1000px size - but feel free to adjust based on your desired look and layout)
- Image focal point – this is used to keep the subject of your photo in view. On mobile, only applies to cropped images. (top left/top center/top right/center/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right)
- Text animation
- Add a heading and additional text
- Include a button
- Choose the text position (left/center/right)
- Enable the scroll down arrow
- Enable parallax scrolling and decide on the section height
4. Image with text
The Image with text is perfect if you want to prominently display images. Whether these are product related, company related, or lifestyle shots; this section will show off any big or important images you have along with any applicable text and a call to action button.
Here, we’ve included a product image to feature with a heading, informative text and a call to action that redirects to its product page.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Image (we recommend uploading a 1600 x 1000px size - but feel free to adjust based on your desired look and layout)
- Choose the image position (left/right)
- Add a heading and additional text
- Include a button
- Choose the text alignment (left/center/right)
5. Rich text
The Rich text section lets you quickly and easily add a block of written content to the page and can be used in a variety of ways; perhaps a couple of introductory and 'about us' paragraphs to talk about your product/company or to share exciting announcements near the top of your homepage.
Here, we’ve included a short paragraph that highlights part of the company’s vision and ideals.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Logo (it can be any image, but a logo with a recommended size of 600 x 600px will look best)
- Add a heading and additional text
- Enable a divider
- Include a button
- Choose the text size (small/large)
- Choose the text alignment (left/center/right1)
6. Image with text overlay
Here, we’ve just added a lifestyle shot on its own without any text or buttons. The parallax scrolling effect has been enabled to which adds some movement as you continue to move down the page.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Image (we recommend uploading a 1600 x 1000px size - but feel free to adjust based on your desired look and layout)
- Image focal point – this is used to keep the subject of your photo in view. On mobile, only applies to cropped images. (top left/top center/top right/center/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right)
- Text animation
- Add a heading and additional text
- Include a button
- Choose the text position (left/center/right)
- Enable the scroll down arrow
- Enable parallax scrolling and decide on the section height
7. Featured collection
Here, we’ve added a collection, which happens to be a menu! We’ve chosen the ‘list’ layout option which allows us to include a description for each product – and in this case, menu item!
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Select a collection (or create a new one)
- Include a heading
- Products per row and limit how many you want to show up
- The layout for the collection (grid or list)
- Image crop (specific to the list layout)
- Show the product description (specific to the list layout)
Details for the Parallax Vienna homepage
1. Image with text overlay
The Image with text overlay section allows you to add beautiful banner images with optional text and buttons. Commonly seen at the top of a homepage (sometimes referred to as a Hero banner/image) it can also be used to add in visuals to break up you page and content!
Here, we’ve added some text to introduce visitors to the company & shop on top of a banner image that relates to the products. The parallax scrolling effect has been enabled which adds some movement as you continue to move down the page.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Image (we recommend uploading a 1600 x 1000px size - but feel free to adjust based on your desired look and layout)
- Image focal point – this is used to keep the subject of your photo in view. On mobile, only applies to cropped images. (top left/top center/top right/center/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right)
- Text animation
- Add a heading and additional text
- Include a button
- Choose the text position (left/center/right)
- Enable the scroll down arrow
- Enable parallax scrolling and decide on the section height
2. Featured collection
The Featured collection section is the perfect place to organize and showcase the products your excited about and promote the items that you want your customers to see. These could be your 'Best Selling' products, 'New Arrivals' or products that you just want to highlight.
Here, we’ve added a collection to highlight 3 products from the shop and chosen the ‘grid’ layout option. The collection also displays how a sold out product and a product on sale is handled.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Select a collection (or create a new one)
- Include a heading
- Products per row and limit how many you want to show up
- The layout for the collection (grid or list)
- Image crop (specific to the list layout)
- Show the product description (specific to the list layout)
3. Featured collection
Here, we’ve added another Featured collection but have used the alternate “list” layout which allows us to enable the product description – super helpful when shopping for food & groceries!
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Select a collection (or create a new one)
- Include a heading
- Products per row and limit how many you want to show up
- The layout for the collection (grid or list)
- Image crop (specific to the list layout)
- Show the product description (specific to the list layout)
4. Newsletter
The Newsletter section can encourage your customers to stay in the loop with your company to hear about special sales and promotions, company news and events!
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Enable/disable wide display
- Show the first and last name fields
- Add a heading, subheading and additional text
- Choose the text alignment (left/center/right)
- Choose specific background and text colors
5. Image with text overlay
Here, we’ve added a heading and a button as call to actions to view a specific collection overtop a lifestyle image. The parallax scrolling effect has been enabled which adds some movement as you continue to move down the page.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Image (we recommend uploading a 1600 x 1000px size - but feel free to adjust based on your desired look and layout)
- Image focal point – this is used to keep the subject of your photo in view. On mobile, only applies to cropped images. (top left/top center/top right/center/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right)
- Text animation
- Add a heading and additional text
- Include a button
- Choose the text position (left/center/right)
- Enable the scroll down arrow
- Enable parallax scrolling and decide on the section height
6. Featured product x 2
The Featured product section which is a quick and easy way for you to highlight specific products and allow your customers to view (and purchase) an item directly from your homepage!
Here, we’ve used this section back to back to highlight two products. The ‘media position’ setting alternates to achieve a checkered layout.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Select your product
- Add a heading
- Enable/disable product gallery settings: thumbnails, arrows, magnify on hover
- Enable/disable product info: vendor, description
- Enable/disable Shopify’s dynamic checkout button (Buy it now)
- Media position (left/right) and height
7. Image with text overlay
Here, we’ve just added a lifestyle shot on its own without any text or buttons. The parallax scrolling effect has been enabled to which adds some movement as you continue to move down the page.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Image (we recommend uploading a 1600 x 1000px size - but feel free to adjust based on your desired look and layout)
- Image focal point – this is used to keep the subject of your photo in view. On mobile, only applies to cropped images. (top left/top center/top right/center/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right)
- Text animation
- Add a heading and additional text
- Include a button
- Choose the text position (left/center/right)
- Enable the scroll down arrow
- Enable parallax scrolling and decide on the section height
8. Featured collection
Here, we’ve added another Featured collection and have again used the alternate “list” layout which allows us to enable the product description – super helpful when shopping for food & groceries!
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Select a collection (or create a new one)
- Include a heading
- Products per row and limit how many you want to show up
- The layout for the collection (grid or list)
- Image crop (specific to the list layout)
- Show the product description (specific to the list layout)
9. Slideshow
The Slideshow section is an easy way to grab your customer's attention with eye-catching banner images and bit of text to get them to engage more with your store, find out more information or explore your products.
Here, we’ve added three slides to our slideshow with the parallax scrolling effect enabled, all lifestyle shots to support the shop’s look and feel.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- How quickly the slides change
- Enable parallax scrolling and decide on the section height
- Image (we recommend uploading a 1600 x 1000px size - but feel free to adjust based on your desired look and layout)
- Image focal point – this is used to keep the subject of your photo in view. On mobile, only applies to cropped images. (top left/top center/top right/center/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right)
- Add a heading and subheading
- Include a button
- Choose the text position (left/center/right)
10. Logo list
The Logo list section can be used to display logos of brands that you carry and link to their Collections pages, or partner and vendor logos and link to their external sites. It's also a great way to integrate any press mentions or awards your company may have.
In the Parallax theme, you can choose the following settings and options:
- Add a heading
- Image (we recommend uploading a 600 x 600px size - but feel free to adjust based on your desired look and layout)
- Include a link for each logo