When it comes to making purchasing decisions online, customer reviews and consumer testimonials can make or break a sale. The Testimonials section helps to build social proof and increase conversions with a dedicated template section.
🧰 How to install the section in your theme
- Open Theme Updater & Backups in your Apps admin
- Open Theme sections
- Click Install below the section. You can also click Preview to see the section in a demo storefront
- On the right side of the page, use the Choose theme dropdown to select the theme you want to enhance with the new section
- Click Install
Add the section to a template
Click Customize to open the theme editor for the selected theme.
Open the template (e.g. home page, default product) and click (+) Add section in the sidebar.
Scroll down to the bottom of your default sections list and select 🧰 Testimonials.
Customize section settings
Click Testimonials to customize section settings.
Section heading
Add a heading to introduce the section with the Section heading field.
Use the sliders for Heading size and Mobile heading size to control the font sizes for the section's Heading.
Content alignment can also help align the blocks content by choosing Left, Center, or Right options.
Author image crop
Shape your images into round or square containers by selecting Circle or Square from Author image crop. Select Adapt to image to retain the image's original shape.
Block typography
Use the sliders for Text size, and Mobile text size to control the font sizes for the section's text components.
Color and spacing settings
Choose colors for the section's Text color, Quote background color, and Background color.
Use the Top padding and Bottom padding sliders to increase or decrease the padding of the section.
Use the Top margin and Bottom margin sliders to increase or decrease the margins of the section.
Customize the testimonial blocks
Click on a Testimonial block to begin. Add more by selecting (+) Add Testimonial.
Star rating
Use the Star rating dropdown to select one of four rating sets.
The options are:
- None
- 4 out of 5
- 4.5 out of 5
- 5 out of 5
Add the customer review to the Text field.
Author details
Upload an Image for the testimonial by clicking Select image. While primarily used as the customer's image, they can also add an image of the product they bought, or anything else that supports the quote.
Add the testimonial's source to the Author field.
Include more information about the customer by adding content to the Author details field.
December 3rd, 2024
- Updates to link hover states and animations.
- 1-block and 2-block layouts will no longer display with extra space.
- Slider improvements.
November 6th, 2024
- Minor bug fixes.
September 25th, 2024
- Testimonials added to Theme Sections.