The Featured Promotions page section is a great way to catch your customer's attention and highlight content.
Featured Promotions Settings
Section Settings
Click Featured promotions to open the section settings.
Wide display
Enable Wide display for the section to span the full width of the window. Otherwise, the section will be limited by a horizontal container.
Rounded images
Activate Rounded images to change the border radius for the images.
Promotions per row
Use the Promotions per row slider to control the number of promotion blocks included in one row (2, 3, or 4).
Content Block Settings
Click one of the preloaded Promotion blocks to customize it. Add more by selecting (+) Add Promotion.
Click Select Image to assign the Image to the block. Add an alternate image for mobile devices with the Mobile image.
Add a Link to the provided field.
Add your messaging using the Heading and Text fields.