All of our themes include an option to enable a newsletter popup. Here are some specific details about the features in Responsive's popup.
Enable the Popup
To enable the Newsletter Popup, open the Popup portion of the Theme settings, then activate Enable popup.
Mobile Display
Activate Show popup on mobile to display the popup for both desktop and mobile devices. Disable this to limit to desktop devices.
Introduce with a Heading
Include a Heading using the provided field.
Add Image
Click Select Image to connect an image with the popup.
Image position
Select Left or Right to position the image in the popup.
Add a Message
Add Text using the provided rich text field.
Popup Width
Adjust the Width for the popup using the provided slider. Select a pixel width between 460 and 800.
Popup Delay
Use the Popup delay slider to control the popup's frequency. The options are:
- 2 days
- 7 days
- 14 days
- 30 days
- 90 days
- 365 days
Newsletter Features
Enable the Newsletter signup field by activating Show newsletter.
Include a field for the customer's first and/or last name with the Show first name and Show last name settings.